Learning From Research in Different Contexts: The Role of Telling Life Histories in Humanities

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Elizabeth Quintero
Sonia Kramer

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
Quintero, E., & Kramer, S. (2009). Learning From Research in Different Contexts: The Role of Telling Life Histories in Humanities. Educação Online, (5). Recuperado de https://educonline.openjournalsolutions.com.br/index.php/eduonline/article/view/1797
Biografia do Autor

Elizabeth Quintero, University of Channel Islands

Professor at the Department of Education, University of Channel Islands/California, USA.

Sonia Kramer, Pontific Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor at the Department of Education, Pontific Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.